Application for Use/Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) on Black Rock Forest Property

Conditions for operating a UAS under a Black Rock Forest Permit:

  1. Permit is valid only for the dates, locations, and activities specified.
  2. Black Rock Forest reserves the right to suspend or terminate the UAS activity.
  3. UAS operator must report to Black Rock Forest staff on arrival prior to start of activity.
  4. UAS shall not disturb or harass wildlife, scientific research, or educational groups.
  5. UAS shall not disturb or interfere with visitors/users of Black Rock Forest property.
  6. UAS shall not interfere with Black Rock Forest staff, emergency operations or law enforcement.
  7. UAS shall not be flown in a reckless manner or outside the designated area(s).
  8. Operators shall not operate UAS while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  9. Operators shall avoid flying directly over people, vehicles or structures and shall avoid endangering thelife and property of others, especially during takeoffs and landings.
  10. Operators shall immediately report all accidents involving any injury or damage to any resource orproperty to Forest Manager at Black Rock Forest. Notification to BRF does not relieve the operatorfrom reporting requirements under an FAA Certificate of Registration.
  11. UAS must weigh less than 55 pounds, operate during daylight hours only, less than 400 feet aboveground level (AGL), at speeds less than 100 miles per hour, never near other aircraft, and be flownwithin visual line-of-sight.
  12. Violation of these conditions will result in revocation of permit.

Application must be submitted 10 days prior to use date. UAS includes drones, R/C planes, etc. Must receive official permission via email or hard copy delivery prior to use. Please Contact us if you have any questions (845-534-4517;

    Type of UAS use:

    Provide a Copy of FAA Small UAS Certificate of Registration or Enter Registration number below:


    UAS Assumption of Risk:

    By submitting this application, I agree to assume all risk/responsibility for consequences resulting from my operation of a UAS (drone, etc), for example – injury to visitors (including students and staff) of Black Rock Forest, damage to research projects, and damage to Forest property or physical features.